Vision Statement
“To lead the charge in reclaiming a Christian character for our local community and larger society.”
Mission Statement
“To disciple every generation of the community by mobilizing every generation of the church.”
We resolve to…
- Support community involvement
We will constantly encourage believers to be involved in every potentially wholesome aspect of our society. Our desire is to have a Christian impact on local government, community institutions and any other positions of social influence in order to make Wright, Campbell County, and all of Wyoming a godlier place to live, work and raise families.
- Exercise spiritual gifts
We will diligently help every member of the body to discover and use their spiritual gifts. Our conviction is that God is glorified when every believer is fulfilling their purpose in the church.
- Execute innovative strategies
We will prayerfully discover new and relevant ways to connect with the spiritually lost and unchurched people in the community. We feel a particular burden to evangelize and disciple the energy sector workforce in Campbell County and equip them to have an impact for Christ wherever they go next.
- Keep church unity
We will persistently strive for unity within the church. We believe that God is glorified when the body of Christ is spiritually healthy and unified in purpose.
S-E-E-K “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” Luke 19:10 ESV